With a name inspired by an ancient Berber city, LEKEF.com is used here to honor indigenous communities and to promote localized economies. LEKEF.com is an Open Access Platform for connecting sellers and creators with the communities they serve and support. LEKEF.com’s focus is on connection and collaboration among sellers, creators, and consumers who share a commitment to sustainable and respectful development and use of natrual and human resources and community-centered practices. A Global Resource for Local Communities.
- Read about the Mission of the LEKEF.com.
- Have question, need help deciding if you should be part of this community? Please see LEKEF.com Support Page.
A Note about Intellectual Property and Patent Policy:
LEKEF.com is a marketplace where third-party sellers and creators can list their goods and services directly to consumers. The listing and fulfillment of products and services managed by independent creators and providers who are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions they do business.